Welcome to Yellowstone Horses Outfitters  Education Group Horseback Rides

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   The Yellowstone Horses Outfitters is a horseback riding business located in the western Yellowstone Country.  Besides all of the activities and offerings that are listed in other parts of this Web page series, which we highly encourage you to browse through, this page is designated to point out the EDUCATIONAL RIDES available from the Yellowstone Horses Outfitters.


1. Many high school instructors bring their classes for an educational type field trip, one in which the instructor has asked for certain areas to be stressed and emphasized. 

2. Many instructors bring their classes to ride on a recreational type field trip.

3. Some instructors bring their outdoors clubs, and related groups just to have a good time.

4.  The snow stays on the ground much longer in ISLAND PARK than down in the valleys of Eastern Idaho.  Each spring, up until about the third week in May, our educational rides are conducted on Juniper Mountain, which is located just north of the St.Anthony Sand Dunes. Most of the deer, elk, and other wildlife that spend their summers and fall in Island Park, spend their winter and early spring on or near Juniper Mountain!

5. Some instructors, mainly college professors, send their students on their own,  with instructions to write, for credit,  a synopsis of their educational ride.



Yellowstone Horses  Outfitters 
Island Park, ID



Depending on the desires of the instructors, the different biological rides can be conducted to emphasize plant and animal identification, even Latin names.  These guided rides can also be conducted to emphasize the fascinating ecology of the local plants and animals in the surrounding environment.
The volcanic geological factors in the Island Park area are quite unique.  The rides can be conducted to stress geology . Rides can actually be conducted that offer a  little of everythingthat is educational!
The history of the area, especially for the past two hundred years, can be stressed, according to the wishes and desires of the instructors.  

There are horses available for students of all levels of experience riding horses---including no experience at all! 

Part of this educational ride includes riding instruction. The instructors are probably the best anywhere when it comes to teaching the horsemanship portion of these educational type rides.

  • The rates for the Yellowstone Horses Outfitters ' educational rides are the same as the general public 1/2 day rates, but there is no tax.  However, the educational rides are much more comprehensive.   Besides the things previously listed, some of the all-embracing options available to educational groups might include:
  1.Allowing students to help curry, and saddle their own horses
  2. Spending as much time on the ride as the group can handle!  (sometimes more)
  3. Lunch breaks  (for those with their own food)
  4. Off-horse activities such as exploration of rock formations
  5. Exploration rides in remote, non-trail areas
  6. During mid-week only,* Elk Bugle Rides*.

*note  We highly encourage group leaders to bring release forms that are already signed by the student's parents. They can be downloaded from the following URL:
  • During September and October, education groups can  also go on the  elk bugle rides. Elk bugle rides for schools will be offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. 
  • No special student privileges are offered  for these rides, but there is a discount. 

Yellowstone Horses Outfitters 
Island Park, ID

licensed by the:
Idaho State Outfitters and Guides